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  • Writer's pictureLiv

The Bathroom Scale

My relationship with the scale… where do I begin? This single device can hold so much power over one’s self. It tells us ONE thing, the mass on top of the scale. It does not differ whether that weight is fat, muscle or bones. There are multiple factors that effect how a scale reads; the time of day, food consumption, and water retention are just a few. Living a healthy balanced life is so much more than a number on a scale. I want to share with you my relationship with the scale and how I use it to keep a balanced weight and lifestyle.

Growing up I would weigh myself once a year; at the doctors office for my yearly physical. The number didn’t mean anything to me until I was near age 17. As a competitive athlete, better shape typically leads to increased performance. I began to pay more attention to my physical shape and my bodyweight. My journey began with the scale as I weighed myself each morning after waking up. My intensions at the start were not to see a specific number on the scale; although, seeing a lower number each day was a game. At first it was rewarding; I was losing weight, feeling confidant, and improving on the ice. I wanted to keep getting that rewarding feeling so I kept at it. After a while, the number on the scale no longer told me how much I weighed. In a blink of an eye, it told me how much I could live my life. It became second nature to step on the scale first thing upon waking up. The number never told me how hungry or full I was, it decided how much I could eat that day.

Today my relationship with the scale is much different. It’s a little like when I was growing up; the number is a number. I know where my weight should be for my optimal performance as an athlete, and if I step on the scale and see I am within a plus or minus three pound range, that’s my check point. I understand that natural factors affect my scale weight so fluctuations within my range doesn’t phase me. I strive to keep a balanced weight as it plays a role in my performance as a figure skater and found a way to do that by listening to my body. Providing my body what it needs to be at my performance, or training weight involves eating when hungry, drinking when parched, and fueling when I can feel my muscles need more nutrients. I give my body the fuel it needs to recover, repair, and function. Listening to my body also means indulging. We all have our indulgences, and they make us feel happy. To me, feeding the soul just as important of a factor in keeping a balanced lifestyle.

I can dwell on the fact that I let a silly scale control a couple years of my life, but those years were a learning experience that taught me how to live my best life! Remember the old balanced scales you would step on at the doctors office, or the community gym? You have to balance the scale to get the right reading. I like to think of my life as a balance scale. Adjusting and calibrating my nutrition to properly balance my own inner scale. This is how I keep a healthy weight, mind, and life.

The scale is a quick way to track your progress when trying to achieve a weight goal. However, it’s so easy to get caught up in the number that the other aspects of living a healthy lifestyle are easily forgotten. I believe the scale could act as a helpful tool or a guide towards your goals because it can help make good choices as you go about your life. There is no answer to the question how often one should weigh themselves. Personally, I don’t own a scale so I don’t weigh myself very often. When I moved into my new apartment, I didn’t purchase one. However, if I had one I really don’t know how much I would use it. Listening to my body has helped me achieve the best physical and mental shape in my life thus far. You learn what works for you.

If I had to put a percentage on how I fulfill my nutrition, I would say that I focus on 85% wholesome nutritious fuel and 15% anything goes! Eating healthy and intuitive is not a punishment to me. I enjoy eating and cooking with fresh, wholesome ingredients and my body thrives off it! If any of you know me, I enjoy ice cream just as much as a green smoothie.

My advice is to use the scale as a tool but nothing more. No matter how often you might weigh yourself, you decide what goes in your body, not a scale. Keep life balanced, and keep it real!

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