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  • Writer's pictureLiv

A Rainbow is Coming

“After every storm there’s a rainbow, no matter how long it takes to show up” Grace V.

Where do I begin? My last post on this blog was step by step instructions to my handy overnight oats. At the time I was a brand new freshman at NYU, who just returned from the 2020 U.S. Figure Skating Championships. It’s safe to say my life has turned many chapters in the last few months. So, I have a lot to cover in this blog post!

Lets me start by going back in time, you know prior to the face masks and riots. I am a Freshman at NYU! Skating has taken me on such an incredible path in life, and now I have the pleasure of being able to attend college while still continuing my figure skating career. How did I get so lucky? I ask myself that question a lot. I finished my high school degree through an online private school, took a couple years off, and then once accepted at NYU I decided to defer. Needless to say, I have been waiting for this day for quite some time. The last time I stepped foot in a classroom setting was back when I was a sophomore in high school, now at 23, I have to admit I was a little nervous heading into my first day of school. As a commuter, the lifestyle and schedule change definitely took some adjusting. Skating and training at early hours of the morning, so I could catch my train into Penn Station to make it to class. Let’s just say, I definitely got some extra cardio in running to catch trains and subways. Shin splints and all, School is wonderful. I’d have to say my favorite part is cooking in my food labs. I am so looking forward to when food studies and nutrition labs can be in person again. All my worries about training and going to school at the same time really subsided. Training was going well, my commute was getting easier, I was enjoying classes and the friends I was making. Then suddenly COVID hit. I didn’t think too much of it, classes switched to virtual just as we were headed into spring break. Mervin and I were headed up to Montreal to get our new choreography for the season and I was super excited. On our way up north the lock down began and we were stuck.

Hello quarantine. With just a small suitcase of belongings, Mervin and I stayed put in upstate NY at my parents. I think you all can relate at this moment, it was like the world was ending! No going to the stores or restaurants, rashes on our hands from constant washing, and skating….yea that was put on pause too. The only thing that kept going was my studies at NYU. Although classes were virtual, I really took the next chunk of time to focus, study, and put full effort into my education. It is so difficult to train as a full time athlete and be a full time student so when skating suddenly wasn’t an option, I took the opportunity to do what I knew I could do, study.

Does it feel like we just skipped from March to July? Honestly I dont know what happened to April, May, and June, but needless to say I spent those months studying, practicing lifts in the driveway and baking bread. I am so grateful to say that I am now back on the ice training, limited of course, but being able to skate during this time in history is a blessing. I am still in school, taking a full course load this summer; including 2 nutrition courses. Nutrition and Health, as well as Food Science and Technology. Becoming a registered dietitian is just as much a goal of mine, as being a successful Pairs Skater. I am grateful to be able to continue excelling and pursuing both of these desires throughout this historical pandemic.

If you have made it this far in this blog post, I want to talk briefly about mental health. From day one of this pandemic, many have been effected mentally. Many lives were lost, family members mourning, tons of frontline workers have risked their lives and worked above and beyond. Then to all of the people out there like me, who have been so fortunate to have food, shelter, and be surrounded by loved ones. Our lives have all been impacted in some way. There is no comparison to who’s situation is more valid or important. The health and well being of every individual no matter the circumstances is important and very much valid. We are in the midst of a historical pandemic and it has effected everyone in their own ways. I would be lying if I said the past few months have been all but great. It’s been hard. And just like the rest of the world, trying to predict the unknown is a scary thought. I dont have any answers to give you, but I do have one thing. Positive thoughts, outlooks, and attitudes go a long way. We have each other, we have hope, and just like every storm, we can trust there will be a rainbow at the end of this. Stay safe everyone, my love goes out to ALL! I hope to find some more spare time to get back on here and share more blog posts, recipes, and photos.



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