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With the active lifestyle that I live, I found that protein plays a very important role in my nutrition. The amount of protein one needs varies from person to person and the lifestyle they lead. Over the years, I have learned that the body needs more than just fuel to run on. The body uses carbohydrates as its main energy source, for exercise and daily activities. It also needs fuel to build and repair, which is where protein comes into play.

The main building blocks of the human body are proteins. The body uses proteins as a fundamental principal for muscles, bones, cartilage skin and blood. Protein is often correlated with athletes or weight lifters who are trying to build muscle; however, protein is important for everyone. Even our hair and nails are made up of mostly proteins. Protein not only helps our bodies build but also repair tissues. Which is why getting enough protein is emphasized towards athletes. Unlike carbs and fats, our bodies don't store proteins; therefore it doesn't have a reservoir to draw on when it needs a new supply. So, it’s important to get adequate protein intake throughout the day; especially for athletes after workouts when our bodies are searching for nutrients to recover.

I like to get my protein from a variety of sources, one being protein powder. Protein Powder is not always the tastiest but is a very easy way to get a high dose of protein that our body can metabolize quickly. I began using protein powders after I was introduced to biPro. If you have ever seen the section of protein powders at the store it can be a bit overwhelming. Usually stores will let you try sample packets so you can try to find one that you may enjoy. I love the taste and consistency of biPro protein powder and use it in my diet very often; e.g., when I make smoothies for post workout.

Within the initial post workout window our bodies search for protein to begin repairing our muscles. As I cool down and my body begins to recover, I enjoy to drink a protein shake/smoothie. I like to build a shake with a little bit of carbs, fat, sugar, and protein. This smoothie helps replenish all the nutrients I lost while working out and repair my muscles with fast absorbing protein. If you are someone who likes to stick to a plant based diet, there are many options for a plant based protein powder as well. Whey is a complete protein, containing all the amino acids, which is why it is a popular choice for a lot of athletes. Most plant proteins are missing one of the essential amino acids. I suggest using a variety of plant proteins to make sure you obtain all 9 essential amino acids. Another protein recovery snack I like to have if I don't want a shake is plain greek yogurt with banana and honey. Again, it hits all my targets of protein, carbs, fat and sugar.

For breakfast I usually opt for eggs, or oatmeal thats loaded with nuts and seeds. Hemp seeds and chia seeds are wonderful plant based protein sources and can be sprinkled in smoothies, salads, cereals, yogurts, and much more. Nut butters also provide as a great protein source. Accompanied with some fresh apple slices or banana on a piece of toast, nut butters are a great staple to have in the kitchen. My dinners usually get their protein from a meat or fish source. If there are leftovers from dinner I will have them for lunch. Another option I may take with me for lunch is overnight oats. I will add chia seeds, hempseed and either yogurt or protein powder. It is sorta my go-to when there is no food for lunch in my kitchen and it's something I can make that's balanced and digestible during my training days.

By simply incorporating more vegetables into your diet you are adding protein. I am not vegan, nor vegetarian but I like try to get my protein from both plant and animal sources; e.g., adding chia seeds to a yogurt snack or beans to a rice bowl with chicken. Anyone who is looking to cut back on meat or dairy, beans are a great option to add more protein to meals. Nuts, seeds, quinoa, protein rich breads, potatoes, and tofu are also great plant based sources when trying to add more protein into your diet. Salads can be loaded with a variety of vegetables, legumes, grains and seeds to build a protein rich meatless meal as well.

Knowing your protein sources and what your eating is a great tool for your nutrition. No matter your lifestyle, protein plays an important role. Providing your body with the nutrients it needs will only make you feel better. There is no exact amount of protein one should consume, a common recommendation is 1g of protein per pound of body weight. We are all different and our needs change everyday. The goal is not to eat as much protein as you can because too much protein is not good for you either. So begin to live and learn as you grow, listen to your body, and strive to provide a balanced amount of protein in your diet from a variety of sources.

If you are interested in trying biPro protein powder, here is the link to their site. My favorite flavor is the cafe latte.

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